Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Approved
Meeting date/time: 10/11/2022 9:00 AM Minutes status: Approved  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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22-00001  Agenda ItemCounty Executive Officer’s Report: Receive a report from the County Executive Officer (CEO) on County programs, County staff updates and achievements, staff recognitions, updates on major projects, updates on state and federal legislation, and upcoming events of interest to the Board and the public. There will be no Board discussion except to ask questions or refer matters to staff; and no action will be taken unless listed on a subsequent agenda. -Annual Toys for Tots Drive  Action details Not available
22-00900 A-1)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding Sudden Oak Death (SOD) Program Agreement Number 22-0998-035-SF with the California Department Food and Agriculture (CDFA), as follows: a) Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to execute an agreement with the CDFA for services related to the SOD Program in the County of Santa Barbara for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 in the amount of $4,428.28; and b) Determine that the above action involves government funding mechanisms and/or fiscal activities and is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section CCR 15378(b)(4).Pass Action details Not available
22-00901 A-2)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) Behavioral Health Justice Intervention Services (BHJIS) Grant Agreement, Fiscal Years (FYs) 2021-2023, as follows: a) Approve, ratify and authorize the Director of the Department of Behavioral Wellness or designee, to execute the BHJIS Grant Agreement 7460-CA Mobile Crisis-SBCBWell-01G with AHP, a Massachusetts for profit entity (not a local provider), serving as the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) administrator for “Behavioral Health Mobile Crisis and Non-Crisis Services (Mobile Crisis)” Project No. 21-10349, for the provision of community collaboration to support individuals with mental and substance use disorders who can be diverted from criminal justice involvement in the amount of $700,000.00 for the period of February 15, 2022, through February 14, 2023; b) Delegate authority to the Director of the Department of Behavioral Wellness, or designee, to act on behalf of the County in the implementation of the BHJIS Program and make immaterial changes to the Agreement without requiPass Action details Not available
22-00897 A-3)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Service Contract with Mt. Lassen Trout Farms, Inc. for trout plants at Cachuma Lake, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute a service contract with Mt. Lassen Trout Farms, Inc. (not a local vendor) to provide Triploid rainbow trout plants at Cachuma Lake Recreation Area during the 2022-2023 stocking season, October to May, for a total contract maximum amount not to exceed $116,320.00 and waive competitive bidding by the County of Santa Barbara pursuant to Santa Barbara County Code section 2-39, subdivision (c), due to limitations on the source or supply due to necessary restrictions in specifications in that no other facilities contacted could provide rainbow trout plants in the quantities requested; b) Approve and authorize the Director of the Community Services Department, or his designee, to exercise an annual renewal option of the Contract and execute amendments to the Contract to continue the term of the Contract on a year-by-year basis, for up to an additional four (4) years, subject to annual appropriations and upon appPass Action details Not available
22-00898 A-4)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Human Services General Fund (HSGF) agreement with Santa Barbara Teen Legal Clinic to implement a program approved by the Board on May 3, 2022, as follows: a) Approve, ratify and authorize the Chair to execute a HSGF Agreement for $20,000.00 between the County and Santa Barbara Teen Legal Clinic to implement the “Tara Haaland-Ford Restorative Justice Project” that was approved for funding by the Board on May 3, 2022; b) Authorize the Director of the Community Services Department or designee, unless otherwise ordered by the Board, to exercise options to execute amendments to the Agreement to renew the grant for up to two additional one-year renewals, at the County’s discretion, subject to annual budget appropriations by the Board and the Contractor’s satisfactory performance; and c) Determine that the above recommended actions are not the approval of a project that is subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(4), finding that the actions are not a project as Pass Action details Not available
22-00905 A-5)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding the 2022 Biennial Review and Amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code of the Goleta Union School District, as follows: a) Approve the amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Goleta Union School District; and b) Determine that the above action is an organizational or administrative activity of the government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment and is therefore not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines.Pass Action details Not available
22-00890 A-6)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding the adoption of the 2023 Board of Supervisors’ Schedule of Meeting Dates and Locations.Pass Action details Not available
22-00903 A-7)Administrative ItemApprove Budget Revision Request No. 0008578 (Majority Vote Required); and Budget Revision Request Nos. 0008472; 0008518; 0008571; and 0008572 (4/5 Vote Required).Pass Action details Not available
22-00904 A-8)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Stacy Miller Public Affairs (SMPA) First Amendment to the Agreement for Interim General County Communications Support Services, as follows: a) Approve, ratify, and authorize the Chair to execute a First Amendment to the Agreement for Services of Independent Contractor, referenced as BC 21-272, with SMPA for general communication support services, to extend the agreement term for a period not to exceed nine months, through December 31, 2022, and increase the contract amount by $42,000.00 for a total contract not to exceed amount of $144,000.00; and b) Determine that the proposed action does not constitute a “Project” within the meaning of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it consists of the creation of a government funding mechanism or other government fiscal activities, which does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant impact on the environment.Pass Action details Not available
22-00909 A-9)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Circumstances of the Existing State of Emergency, as follows: a) Reconsider the circumstances of the existing state of emergency; b) Consider whether state or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing; c) Find that the Board of Supervisors has considered the circumstances of the state of emergency, and that State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing; and d) Direct staff to notice and hold hearings as remote hearings consistent with Government Code Section 54953(e)(3).Pass Action details Video Video
22-00917 A-10)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding an Application for the Destruction of Records, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required) a) Approve an application for the Destruction of Records and Certification of Approval consisting of Clerk of the Board Records that are no longer required by law to be retained, or are no longer necessary or required for County purposes; and b) Determine that the proposed action is not a “project” under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5), as it is a governmental administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.Pass Action details Not available
22-00896 A-11)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding Santa Barbara Courthouse Project No. 19013 and award construction contract amendment for Phase One Roof Renovation and Envelope Restoration Project, First District, as follows: a) Approve and authorize the Director of General Services or designee to execute a third change order (Change Order Three) to the Santa Barbara Courthouse Roof Replacement and Exterior Restoration contract with Plant Construction Company (BC21277) (Contract) addressing the extensive, needed repair of the concrete masonry in the cast concrete and stone detail located at the cornice and frieze of the building, in an amount not to exceed $48,808.00; b) Approve, ratify, and authorize the Chair to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Contract (BC21277) with Plant Construction Company, L.P. for Project No.19013 (Project), increasing the Contract compensation amount of $2,113,755.50 by $159,574.85, for a revised aggregate Contract compensation amount of $2,273,330.35; and c) Find that the Project was previously found to be categorically exempt from the provisions of the CaliforniPass Action details Not available
22-00891 A-12)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding the Probation Peace Officers Association (PPOA) Successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), as follows: a) Approve an MOU with the PPOA for terms and conditions of employment from August 22, 2022 through Pay Period 14 of 2026 (projected to be and including June 21, 2026); and b) Determine pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) that the above action is a government fiscal activity which does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment, and therefore is not a project subject to environmental review.Pass Action details Not available
22-00892 A-13)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding the 2021-2022 Annual Report of the Civil Service Commission, as follows: a) Receive and file the Annual Report of the Civil Service Commission for Fiscal Year 2021-2022; and b) Determine pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4) that the above action is a government activity which does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment, and therefore is not a project subject to environmental review.Pass Action details Not available
22-00893 A-14)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding Balchen County-Initiated Notice of Nonrenewal of Agricultural Preserve Contract No. 76-AP-065, Cuyama Area, First District, as follows: a) Receive and consider the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee (APAC) recommendation of nonrenewal for Agricultural Preserve Contract 76-AP-065 due to noncompliance with the Uniform Rules for Agricultural Preserves and Farmland Security Zones, Rule 1-3 [Lot Line Adjustments]; b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Notice of Nonrenewal for Agricultural Preserve Contract 76-AP-065; c) Direct Planning and Development to serve the Notice of Nonrenewal, and direct the Clerk of the Board to record and distribute copies of the Notice of Nonrenewal as specified in this Board Agenda Letter; and d) Determine that the actions above are government administrative activities that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment and are therefore not projects under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines.Pass Action details Not available
22-00894 A-15)Administrative ItemConsider recommendation regarding the American Land Management County-Initiated Notice of Nonrenewal of Agricultural Preserve Contract No. 90-AP-002A, Santa Ynez Area, Third District, as follows: a) Receive and consider the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee (APAC) recommendation of nonrenewal for Agricultural Preserve Contract 90-AP-002A due to noncompliance with the Uniform Rules for Agricultural Preserves and Farmland Security Zones, Rule 6-2.B, Transfer of Ownership of Contracted Land; b) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Notice of Nonrenewal for Agricultural Preserve Contract 90-AP-002A; c) Direct Planning and Development to serve the Notice of Nonrenewal, and direct the Clerk of the Board to record and distribute copies of the Notice of Nonrenewal as specified in the Board Agenda Letter; and d) Determine that the actions above are government administrative activities that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment and are therefore not projects under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to section 15378(bPass Action details Not available
22-00902 A-16)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding Laguna County Sanitation District, Sewer Collection System Master Plan, Fourth and Fifth Districts, as follows: Acting as the Board of Directors, Laguna County Sanitation District: a) Approve the Laguna County Sanitation District Sewer System Management Plan, dated 2022, and certify that the plan and program are in compliance with State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006-0003 Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems; and b) Find that the proposed action does not constitute a “Project” within the meaning of the California Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to 14 CCR 15378 (b)(5), in that it is a government administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.Pass Action details Not available
22-00908 A-17)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Cooperative Agreement and Construction of Measure A Safe Routes to School and Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects, First, Second, and Third Districts, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required) a) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Cooperative Agreement with SBCAG for Measure A South Coast Safe Routes to School and Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects for County-sponsored projects receiving funds from the South Coast Cycle 5 Measure A Safe Routes to School and Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs; b) Authorize the Director of Public Works or designee to approve and execute amendments to the Measure A Cooperative Agreement within the scope and term of the Agreement: 1) to extend deadlines for the timely use of funds for individual projects as set forth in Section 1.8 of the Agreement; and 2) to accept additional funding for individual projects resulting from the reconciliation of excess funds process set forth in Section 1.11 of the Agreement; c) Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works or designee to advertise for bids for the projects as described iPass Action details Video Video
22-00915 A-18)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding a Second Amendment to the Contract Law Enforcement Services Agreements between the County of Santa Barbara and the Cities of Buellton, Carpinteria, Goleta, and Solvang, as follows: (4/5 Vote Required) a) Approve, ratify, and authorize the Chair to execute a Second Amendment to the Contract Law Enforcement Services Agreements between the County of Santa Barbara and the cities of Buellton, Carpinteria, Goleta, and Solvang; b) Approve Budget Revision Request No. 0008510 to decrease budgeted revenues of $717,200.00 in Sheriff General Fund in Charges for Services offset by an Intrafund Expenditure Transfer (-) from the General County Programs General Fund. Increase appropriations of $717,200.00 in General County Programs General Fund for Intrafund Expenditure Transfers (+) funded by release of Restricted Public Safety Prop 172 fund balance; and c) Determine that the recommended action is not a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guideline Section 15378(b)(4), since the recommended action is Pass Action details Video Video
22-00895 A-19)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Barbara Silver to the Mosquito and Vector Management District, term ending October 10, 2024, representing the Board of Supervisors.Pass Action details Not available
22-00906 A-20)Appointment/BOS itemApprove the appointment of Jacqueline Reid to the Commission for Women, term ending October 12, 2025, Second District.Pass Action details Not available
22-00913 A-21)Set Hearing/Hearing RequestSet a hearing to consider recommendations regarding Case No. 22APL-00000-00029, an appeal of the Planning Commission’s September 7, 2022, approval of the Roots Cannabis Storefront Retail Project (Case No. 21CDH-00000-00029), First District, as follows: (Set a hearing for November 1, 2022. Time estimate: 1 hour 15 minutes) a) Deny the appeal, Case No. 22APL-00000-00029; b) Make the required findings for approval of the Project, Case No. 21CDH-00000-00029, including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings; c) Determine that the previously certified Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) (17EIR-00000-00003) is adequate and no subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration is required pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections Section 15162 and 15168(c)(2); and d) Grant de novo approval of the Project, Case No. 21CDH-00000-00029, subject to the conditions of approval.Pass Action details Not available
22-00914 A-22)Set Hearing/Hearing RequestSet a hearing to consider recommendations regarding the Seaman and Sierra Botanicals, LLC Appeals of the Planning Commission Approval of the Nojoqui Farms Cannabis Cultivation Project, Case Nos. 22APL-000000-00021, 22APL-00000-00023, and 19LUP-00000-00530, Third District, as follows: (Set a hearing for November 1, 2022. Time estimate: 1 hour 15 minutes) a) Deny the appeals, Case Nos. 22APL-00000-00021 and 22APL-00000-00023; b) Make the required findings for approval of the Project, Case No. 19LUP-00000-00530, including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings; c) Determine that the previously certified Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) (17EIR-00000-00003) is adequate and no subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration is required pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15168(c)(2); and d) Grant de novo approval of the Project, Case No. 19LUP-00000-00530, subject to the conditions of approval.Pass Action details Not available
22-00912 A-23)Administrative ItemConsider recommendations regarding an Ordinance amending speed limits specified in County Code Sections 23-15.4, 23-15.5, 23-15.6, 15.7 and 23-15.8, First, Second, and Fourth Districts, as follows: a) Adopt the Ordinance (Second Reading) amending Santa Barbara County Code, Chapter 23, Sections 23-15, 23-15.4, 23-15.5, 23-15.6, 23-15.7 and 23-15.8, pertaining to speed limits on Hope Avenue in the Santa Barbara area and Middle Road in the Montecito area of the First District; and Veronica Springs Road in the Santa Barbara area and Patterson Avenue in the Goleta area of the Second District; and Clark Avenue, Patterson Road, Union Valley Parkway, Glenwood Drive, Dickson Drive, Hillview Road, Dahlia Place, and Patterson Road in the Orcutt area of the Fourth District; and b) Determine that amending Santa Barbara County Code, Chapter 23, Sections 23-15.4, 23-15.5, 23-15.6, 23-15.7 and 23-15.8, pertaining to speed limits, is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to 14 CCR Section 15378(b)(2), since the recommended actions are administrative activities Pass Action details Not available
22-00899 A-24)Honorary ResolutionAdopt a Resolution of Commendation honoring Karen Sullivan upon her retirement from the Public Works Department after 13 years of faithful and distinguished service to the citizens of Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Not available
22-00880 A-25)Resolution to be PresentedAdopt a Resolution proclaiming the second Monday of October 2022 as Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
22-00907 A-26)Resolution to be PresentedAdopt a Resolution proclaiming the month of October 2022 as Italian American Heritage Month in Santa Barbara County.Pass Action details Video Video
22-00911 1)Departmental AgendaHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding KPMG’s Operational Performance Review of the Santa Barbara County Department of Social Services, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.) a) Receive and file a report on KPMG’s Operational and Performance Review of the Santa Barbara County Department of Social Services; b) Provide direction as appropriate; and c) Find that the proposed actions do not constitute a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to 14 CCR 15378(b)(2), as it consists of general policy and procedure making. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Video Video
22-00910 2)Departmental AgendaHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding KPMG’s Operational Performance Review of the Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.) a) Receive and file a report on KPMG’s Operational and Performance Review of the Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness; b) Provide direction as appropriate; and c) Find that the proposed actions do not constitute a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to 14 CCR 15378(b)(2), as it consists of general policy and procedure making. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Video Video
22-00935 3)Departmental AgendaHEARING - Consider recommendations regarding a Community Assistance Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Court Update, as follows: (EST. TIME: 45 MIN.) a) Receive and file a summary report on the CARE Act which will establish CARE Court in Santa Barbara County by December 1, 2024; b) Provide direction as appropriate; and c) Determine that the proposed actions are not a “Project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(4), because they consist of the creation of a government funding mechanism or other government fiscal activities which do not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment; and CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(5) since the proposed actions are the organizational or administrative activities of government that will not result in indirect or direct physical changes in the environment. COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: POLICYPass Action details Video Video