HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Malott appeal of the Planning Commission’s July 8, 2009 approval of the Tracy Modification and Addition, Case Nos. 08MOD-00000-00006 and 08CDP-00000-00032, located at 2200 Banner Avenue, APN 005-133-058, in Summerland, First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR. 45 MIN.)
a) Deny the appeal, Case Nos. 09APL-00000-00022 and 09APL-00000-00023, thereby upholding the Planning Commission’s approval, as shown in the July 10, 2009 Action Letter;
b) Adopt the findings for approval of Case Nos. 08MOD-00000-00006 and 08CDP-00000-00032, as shown in Attachment A of the Planning Commission Staff Report dated April 16, 2009;
c) Accept the Notice of Exemption, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15305(a) and 15301(e), as shown in Attachment B of the Planning Commission Staff Report dated April 16, 2009; and
d) Grant de novo approval of Case Nos. 08MOD-00000-00006 and 08CDP-00000-00032, subject to the conditions of approval, as shown in Attachments C and D of the Planning Commission Action Letter dated July 10, 2009.