HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Case Nos. 17APL-00000-00002 and 17APL-00000-00003, the Olsten Trust Appeal and the Hair/Sturgess Appeal, respectively, of the Montecito Planning Commission’s April 18, 2017 conditional de novo Preliminary Design Review approval of the Olsten Trust Single-Family Dwelling Demo-Rebuild, New Detached Garage, Cabaña and Pool (Case No. 14BAR-00000-00082), First District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Approve in part and deny in part, the Olsten Trust appeal, Case No. 17APL-00000-00002;
b) Approve in part and deny in part, the Hair/Sturgess appeal, Case No. 17APL-00000-00003;
c) Make the required findings for Preliminary Design Review approval of the revised project, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
d) Determine that approval of the revised project is exempt from CEQA, pursuant to Section 15303; and
e) Grant de novo Preliminary Design Review Approval of the revised project, Case No. 14BAR-00000-00082, as show in plans dated October 5, 2017, and pursuant to the conditions of the settlement agreement, which have been incorporated into the plans dated October 5, 2017.