Consider recommendations regarding Acceptance of Public Utility Easements - Parcel Map No. 14,780, 11TPM-00000-00003 Richardson, Fourth District, as follows:
a) Accept on behalf of the Public, pending recordation of Parcel Map No. 14,780, the offers of dedication for Public Utility Easement purposes and authorize the Clerk of the Board to endorse Parcel Map No. 14,780 accepting said Easements as defined on said map; consummation of the Public Utility Easements acceptance is subject to recordation of the subject Map; and
b) Find that no new effects will occur and no new mitigation measures would be required as a result of Board's authorization to accept the offer of dedication, and therefore pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15162, that action is within the scope of the project covered by the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for the "Richardson" development (13NGD-00000-00013) as adopted by the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission on February 12, 2014, and no new environmental document is required.