HEARING - Consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the E & B Natural Resources Gas Pipeline and Consistency Rezone Project, Case Nos. 14DVP-00000-00018 and 15RZN-00000-00007, APN 147-030-025 located approximately 0.7-miles east of the intersection of Aliso Canyon Road and State Highway 166 in the Cuyama Valley area, First District as follows: (EST. 30 MIN.)
a) Make the required findings for the project (Case Nos. 14DVP-00000-00018 and 15RZN-00000-00007) specified in Attachment A of the Planning Commission action letter dated September 9, 2015 including the California of Environmental Quality Act findings;
b) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration (15NGD-00000-00007), and adopt the mitigation monitoring program contained in the conditions of approval;
c) Approve the project, Case No. 14DVP-00000-00018, subject to the conditions of approval included in Attachment B of the Planning Commission action letter dated September 9, 2015; and
d) Adopt the Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment for Assessor’s Parcel Number 147-030-025, amending the Inland Zoning Map for the Cuyama Valley Rural Region from U, (Ordinance 661), to AG-II-40 (Land Use and Development Code).