Consider recommendations regarding the approval of a license agreement and acceptance of in-kind gift of waiver of rent for use of room at the Montecito Union School District (File No. 3885), First District, as follows:
a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the license agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and Montecito Union School District that allows the Sheriff’s Department rent-free, exclusive use of approximately 150 square feet of office space and non-exclusive use of common area space at 385 San Ysidro Road in Montecito for a term of five (5) years, which will aid the Sheriff’s Department in the execution of their law enforcement mission and developing direct connections between the Department, students, school staff, and residents of Montecito;
b) Accept the waived rental payments, estimated at a total of $22,050.00, as an in-kind gift valued at over $10,000.00 for the term of the agreement, pursuant to Board of Supervisors’ Resolution 15-58 and California Government Code Section 25355; and
c) Find that the proposed recommended actions are exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 of the California Code of Regulations since the project involves the licensing of existing public structures, involving negligible or no expansion of use.