HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the Naples Coalition Appeal, Case No. 12APL-00000-00018, of the Planning Commission's Approval of the Schulte/Dos Pueblos Lot Line Adjustment Project, Case No. 10LLA-00000-00003, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)
a) Deny the appeal, Case No. 12APL-00000-00018, thereby affirming the County Planning Commission's approval of the project;
b) Make the required findings for approval of the project, Case No. 10LLA-00000-00003, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings;
c) Consider the environmental review documents, addendum dated October 17, 2012, together with the previously certified Environmental Impact Report 04EIR-00000-00014, and determine that, as reflected in the CEQA findings, no subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration shall be prepared for this project; and
d) Grant de novo approval of Case No. 10LLA-00000-00003, subject to the conditions specified in Attachment B of the Planning Commission action letter dated November 15, 2012.