HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding the California Enterprise Development Authority (CEDA) Issuance of Tax-Exempt and/or Taxable Revenue Obligations for the Benefit of Cate School, as follows: (EST. TIME: 5 MIN.)
a) Hold a public hearing in compliance with the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) regarding the issuance by the CEDA of tax-exempt and/or taxable revenue obligations, for the benefit of Cate School, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, and consider public comment;
b) Adopt a Resolution approving the issuance by the CEDA of its revenue obligations (Obligations) for the benefit of Cate School in an aggregate amount not to exceed $22,000,000.00 for the purpose of financing, refinancing and/or reimbursing the cost of designing, constructing, renovating, remodeling, installing, equipping, and furnishing of certain educational facilities, providing the terms and conditions for such obligations and other matters relating thereto; and
c) Determine that the above actions involve government funding mechanisms and/or fiscal activities and are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines.