HEARING - Consider the request of Susan Petrovich, agent for William Foley, owner, regarding the Crossroads Special Events and Rezone, Third District, as follows: (EST. TIME: 15 MIN.)
a) Consider recommendations regarding the Rezone, Case No. 07RZN-00000-00004, as follows:
i) Adopt the required findings for the Rezone, Case No. 07RZN-00000-00004, including CEQA findings;
ii) Adopt an Ordinance Zoning Map Amendment for APN 133-190-014, amending the Inland Zoning Map for the Santa Ynez Valley Rural Areas Zone;
iii) Adopt the revised Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 08NGD-00000-00013 for the limited purpose of approving the consistency rezone; and
iv) Approve case No. 07RZN-00000-00004; and
b) Consider recommendations regarding the Conditional Use Permit, Case No. 09CUP-00000-00021, as follows:
i) Adopt the required findings for denial of Conditional Use Permit Case No. 09CUP-00000-00021;
ii) Accept the exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15270 (projects which are disapproved); and
iii) Deny Case No. 09CUP-00000-00021.