File #: 17-00274    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 4/11/2017 Final action: 4/11/2017
Title: HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Formation, Third and Fifth Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.) Acting as the Board of Directors, Water Agency: a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the "Memorandum of Agreement for the Formation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Eastern Management Area in the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act" to form a Groundwater Sustainability Agency in the Santa Ynez Valley Groundwater Basin Eastern Management Area; b) Adopt the Resolution entitled "Resolution to Participate in the Formation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency Pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act for the Eastern Management Area for the Santa Ynez Valley Groundwater Basin"; and c) Determine that the proposed actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Guidelines Se...
Attachments: 1. Board Letter, 2. Attachment A, 3. Attachment B, 4. Attachment C MOA, 5. Attachment D Resolution, 6. Presentation


HEARING - Consider recommendations regarding Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Formation, Third and Fifth Districts, as follows: (EST. TIME: 1 HR.)


Acting as the Board of Directors, Water Agency:


a) Approve and authorize the Chair to execute the “Memorandum of Agreement for the Formation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Eastern Management Area in the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act” to form a Groundwater Sustainability Agency in the Santa Ynez Valley Groundwater Basin Eastern Management Area;


b) Adopt the Resolution entitled “Resolution to Participate in the Formation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency Pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act for the Eastern Management Area for the Santa Ynez Valley Groundwater Basin”; and


c) Determine that the proposed actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Guidelines Section 15378(b) (5), organization or administrative activities that will not result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment.