Consider recommendations regarding Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application Approval, First District, as follows:
Acting as the Board of Directors, Flood Control and Water Conservation District:
a) Approve and authorize the Public Works Director or designee to:
i) Sign the Local Match Fund Commitment Letter for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program No. DR-4431 for the Cold Springs Debris Basin Expansion Project in the Federal Share requested amount of $1,503,000.00;
ii) Sign the Local Match Fund Commitment Letter for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program No. DR-4431 for the Buena Vista Creek Debris Basin Project in the Federal Share requested amount of $2,998,624.00;
iii) If awarded, enter into a grant agreement for the Cold Springs Debris Basin Expansion Project and all subsequent amendments to the grant agreement in an amount not to exceed $2,004,220.00, for a term not to exceed thirty-six (36) months, subject to the review and consent of County Counsel, Risk Management, and the Auditor-Controller;
iv) If awarded, enter into a grant agreement for the Buena Vista Creek Debris Basin Project and all subsequent amendments to the grant agreement in an amount not to exceed $3,998,171.00, for a term not to exceed thirty-six (36) months, subject to the review and consent of County Counsel, Risk Management, and the Auditor-Controller; and
v) Make any certifications and assurances that may be required by the grant agreements;
b) Direct District staff, in the event that the grants are awarded, to return to the Board of Directors to establish required budget appropriations; and
c) Find that the proposed actions are organizational or administrative activities related to the creation of a government funding mechanism which will not result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment and does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potent...
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